Wills & Power of Attorney

Wills and Powers of Attorney

A Will ensures that your wishes concerning your estate are dealt with appropriately following your death. The absence of a Will can create significant problems for those who are attempting to settle your affairs, and, of course, you will have no control over what happens to your estate. Wills should be reviewed at least every five years to assess any changes that may have occurred in your life such as marriage and children or the acquisition of property or other matters of value, and certainly Wills should be reviewed following separation, divorce or death of a key person in a Will.

Whilst a Will is necessary following your death, as important are Powers of Attorney which address issues that may occur prior to your death. There are two forms of Powers of Attorney: Financial and Medical, and both are important in the event that you find yourself compromised and unable to handle your own financial or medical affairs.
In addition to a Medical Power of Attorney we are also able to assist in the preparation of an Advanced Care Directive, which provides direction to your medical treatment providers concerning the extent to which you are prepared to accept or reject certain medical treatments.

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Whatever your concerns or queries, we are more than happy to assist you to either proceed with an appropriate legal process or clarify what is needed to address your legal concerns.